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Golden Rays

by Sophia Falco

The man on the moon

shoots the sun,

some golden rays fizzle out.


The darkening sky

does not deter me from

walking my tiger in circles

on the cracked wooden floor

in my yellow bricked



(Red leash bedazzled with rhinestones.)


I sigh creating a void,

orange and black stripes


remaining rhinestones.


I pick up each sparkling

jewel and arrange

them in a star.

Sophia Falco is a poet and will be a senior this upcoming academic school year at The University of California, Santa Cruz where she studies intensive literature with a creative concentration for poetry. Her poems have been published in Stigma Fighters, The Mindful Word, The Esthetic Apostle [January 2019 & March 2019], The Festival Review, Tiny Seed Literary Journal, The Poetry Matters Project, and forthcoming in The Raw Art Review and The Beautiful Space. In her free time she is an epic gardener. The tallest sunflower she grew was 16 feet tall. 

Tip the Writer.png


August 2019

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