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she fell

by John Miller


between the cracks of cornice,

the mortar between limestone blocks.  she fell into

columns of steam and steel,

trapped behind the panes of glass

of wherever she found herself

inside the apparent machine.

she fell and descended and descended,

all their faces a blur until she

threatened to forget her own;

fell between the stars, the stars

and stars of the night, wondering

how falling could turn into

somewhere she’d flown; until

she opened her eyes, reached out

to feel the edges of the bed,

breathing between what she was dreaming

and everything there was to feel –

slowing and slowing her heart,

she breathed, her heart which believed

it still fell through the cracks.


John Miller is the founder and facilitator of Portland Ars Poetica, an ongoing literary poetry workshop located in Portland, OR, open to any local poet looking to hone their craft. John's poetry has been so far published in the 9Bridges anthology _Over Land and Rising_ and by the journal Glass Facets of Poetry. John's short fiction has appeared in _Tethered by Letters_. John was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York and has a BA in English from Amherst College.

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September 2018

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