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While wandering by myself in Valetta, Malta one afternoon in March 2017, I wondered how termites might feel about the doors and gates before my eyes. Click on any photo (not thumbnails) to find out what the termites saw.

Half year after this trip to Malta, Rimona completed her doctorate at the Transitional Justice Institute, Northern Ireland; her research looked at the synergies-tensions-tradeoffs between justice and reconciliation in Palestine/Israel, drawing on settler colonial studies, peace psychology, international law, and critical criminology. Now a visiting scholar in Atlanta at the Emory School of Law, she uses vulnerability theory to reinterpret the justice-reconciliation nexus. She is also developing an interview series on vulnerability and ethics with scholars and practitioners in Atlanta, and is involved in the Science.Art.Wonder program, creating multimedia pieces inspired by the research of the CDC enteric diseases epidemiology branch. Over the past thirteen years she has been engaged with civic groups around the world in human rights, international justice, peacebuilding, corporate accountability, and arts projects. Romanian-Palestinian, both and neither, she encrypts rootlessness-transience-dissonance in words and visuals: poems, flash fiction, photography, collage, drawing, painting, installations.


February 2019

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