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A Portrait of the Lover

by Eric Rose


I.  A Portrait of the Lover as a Porn Star 

Because you saw me naked and virile as a new appliance;
Because you jogged with the angels and rode God's escalator;
Because you were a light far off, wearing the sun's corona;
Because I loved you like a clean, white dishrag;
Because you bent me over like a rainbow and filled me with dew;
Because we are every one of us purveyors of the sublime;
Because I was too shy to tell you my wet dreams were about you;
Because it was a glory-hole sort of romance;
Because love shares the same economics as any human endeavor;
Because every man is an island, we build boats to wreck ourselves on foreign shores.

II. A Portrait of the Lover as a Cult Leader 

Once you held me like I was every Jesus that died hungry in the streets;
Once my expectations grew big as a beanstalk overnight;
Once you cradled me like a telephone receiver;
Once I stuffed you inside me like chocolate cake;
Once you were as vital as 
any instrument of God's will;
Once I thought love could straddle two worlds;
Once you were as distant and unattainable as better times;
Once you sang the moon and the stars and the cosmonauts into orbit;
Once you told me God must ultimately take responsibility for everything;
Once you had no edges, just a million faultless surfaces.


III. A Portrait of the Lover as an Insomniac 

Although the night brings forth vermin like poppies;
Although a memory is but an imperfect snapshot;
Although you whispered needles in my flesh as patiently as any seamstress;
Although you consumed me carelessly, like an American;
Although we all must dance in the flames sometime, if only in our own minds;
Although life is precious, still its long list of needs can become tedious;
Although the crude force of our desire was a hammer battering soft flesh;
Although on the 8th day God created the Bogey Man;
Although God and his angels are in heaven, everything else is here on earth.

IV. A Portrait of the Lover as a Witness for the Prosecution 

If I choose to number my days through the smoke-stained filter of a cigarette;
If I could stop giving out love like a Coke machine;
If you bundled me up like refuse;
If I pulled my veins out of my sleeve by the yard like a circus clown;
If sex didn't make everything as complicated as a mother's lie;
If we could forget to become our fathers for just a day;
If there was cyanide in the Kool-Aide;
If you had the surgeon's daring to know me from the inside out;
If you unsexed me quick as a zipper;
If I wasn't acting hysterical, I was being hysterical.

V. A Portrait of the Lover as a Serial Killer 

For I know that when life comes for me I shall be alone and reading a book or a 
For when you lost me you sent out a thousand excuses to comb the countryside;
For my journey to you was as short and accidental as a bad fall;
For you stopped up the well of my happiness like a cheap toilet;
For the lies, the abuses and the betrayals will remain long after we've both snuck out of 
        the room;
For all those years, and you were only saving me like a receipt;
For leaving you was as easy as changing my skin;
For eventually everything unravels and we all must dangle.


Eric M. Rose originally hails from the Appalachian region of Ohio. For his midlife crisis, he recently moved to Morocco in North Africa where he teaches high school. Eric used to be married, but now he has a checklist.


July 2018

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