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In The Gloaming

by Laura Williams French

in the gloaming

that twilight

that periwinkle dusk

when day is over

and night not yet begun

when tree skeletons silhouette

against the darkening sky

it is then I see you

a stealthy shadow

seeking solace

silently slipping

through my thoughts

it is in the gloaming

that twilight

that periwinkle dusk

when bird calls cease

and a gentle hush descends

when day creatures sleep

before night creatures stir

it is then I hear you

your laughter

the liquid twinkling

inside my head

it is in the gloaming

that twilight

that periwinkle dusk

when work is done

and I am alone

with myself

it is then

that I think of you

Laura Williams French is a graphic artist, poet, author, and co-founder of Clare Songbirds Publishing House. Her first poetry chapbook, "The Weight of a Box," was released in 2018 and her book of creative non-fiction, "Wigs, Cars, & Sectional Sofas: Surviving Childhood in the 70's," is coming out in summer 2019.

Tip The Poet.png


March 2019

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