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Ode to a Sunflower

by Sophia Falco

In outer-space a strong

sunflower floats in orbit,

and a lovely astronaut

sprinkles joy

on this sunflower.

The sunflower’s seeds light up,

in a yellow spiral,

one by one,


Beams of light

radiate out from each seed,

and the petals pulsate with


(Flashes of gold in the

realm of dark matter.)

These beams of light reach

the earth coated in a blanket of black,

cutting through the darkness;

zigzagging like lightening.

Oh, how the sunflower shakes its head like a

lion shakes its mane and showers

             yellow pollen that

floats, drifts, and coats

the darkness ever so

gracefully with gold ,

like a rain that reaches earth.

A sunflower bringing

joy into this dark world!

Sophia Falco is a poet whose work has been published in Inside the Bell Jar and in The Mindful Word. She is also a photographer whose work has been published in the Fredericksburg Literary and Art Review, The Esthetic Apostle, and featured on the cover of Tilde: A Literary Journal. Sophia studies literature at the University of California, Santa Cruz. In her free time she is an epic gardener. The tallest sunflower she grew was sixteen feet tall.

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January 2019

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